ŠK Slovan Bratislava - MFK Skalica 4:1
ŠK Slovan Bratislava led by Niki Papavasiliou won second time in row.
ŠK Slovan Bratislava led by Niki Papavasiliou won second time in row, this time against MFK Skalica 4:1. Goals of Slovan were scored by Milinkovič, Zreľák, Vittek and Oršula.
ŠK Slovan Bratislava - MFK Skalica 4:1 (3:0)
Goals: 10. Milinkovič (z pokutového kopu), 27. Zreľák, 32. Vittek, 72. Oršula - 83. Šebesta
Home team: Mucha - Čikoš, Saláta, Gorosito, Podaný - Zreľák, Gonzalez (75. Štefánik), Sekulič, Milinkovič - Priskin (68. Oršula), Vittek (60. Kubík)
Visiting team: Fišan - Vrablec (62. Svrček), Majerník, Konečný, Fialka (46. Mazan) - Hlinka, Čermák (46. Šebesta) - Kurák, Gašparík, Ciprys - Lietava
Refferies: Kráľovič – Hrčka, Bobko
Niki Papavasiliou: „I am very glad that work on our trainings is finally paying off. In first half we played very well, although in the second half the performance was not the same. It has some objective reasons, while not whole sqad is 100% fit – for instance Vittek and Gonzales have some minor health problems. However, these points are very important for us and we have 20 days to prepare ourselves for the match against Žilina.“